Category Archives: get rid of acne

“Does Chocolate Cause Acne” and why

Does chocolate cause acne?

Chocolate? What is Chocolate? When we think of chocolate we think of chocolate bars.

The ingredients in chocolate bars are way more than just chocolate.  Many of them contain sugar and milk fats and many other ingredients.

So if we ask the question does chocolate cause acne, the short answer and the truthful answer from myself after years of trial and error and looking for patterns to see if chocolate causes acne on myself, I would tell you that if you found this page and are reading it right now, you must have done enough research and know intuitively that chocolate is making you break out.

The answer is, is that chocolate is most definitely making you break out.  If I eat chocolate bars I will break out within a few days.  However, if I eat raw chocolate cacao nibs I don’t break out.

So to make it clear, I am telling you that it is probably the other ingredients, specifically the type of oil that they put in it that is actually causing the acne breakouts.  On me “chocolate bars” make me break out on my forehead.

You have probably read in a million places that chocolate does not cause acne, but I then ask you a very serious and logical question.

Is the source of the info credible and trustworthy and/or competent??

Are there a million ads on their website trying to make commissions on selling you acne medication that will eventually screw you up in the long run?

You see over 90 percent of the info on health and fitness that you are going to read is complete nonsense written to baffle and confuse the masses of the public into eating themselves into some sort of health problem leading to disease if left uncorrected.

Acne drugs will only damage your body.  The only way to get rid of acne is to eliminate the “foods that cause acne”.  This information will probably take you at least 4 years of trial and error and researching until your eyes are burning countless nights year after year to find out on your own.  And I have actually never heard of anyone doing except for yours truly.

Yes.  I am bold enough to say that I have proprietary information on what actually causes acne.

Most people ignore what I have to say and will never find the truth about acne.

Or you can trust that the info I am telling you is the truth and trust me and download this book that I have written. It will set you on the right path to get rid of acne and other health problems and eat the foods that agree with your genetics, then you wont break out!

This book that I have written will be ignored by most people. These same people will eventually get some sort of health problem and they will get sicker.  Then probably turn to drugs to mask the symptom, while getting sicker and more and more unhealthy on the inside.  This is what most people do.

This is not the choice you want to make.  The correct choice is to listen to what I have to say because my information is grounded in truth.  The truth about health and fitness and especially acne and its causes is very very buried on purpose by evil greedy people pushing drugs and poisonous food.

So I am going to quit rambling about what you probably already know by now, so now get on with reading my book and simply try to eat the way that I am presenting to you.  It fixed my health problems.  What do you have to lose? Nothing.  What do you have to gain?  Everything.  TRUTH!!

Get Rid of Acne Secret

Are you trying to get rid of acne? You will never do it unless you change your diet!

Are you tired of constantly breaking out zits all of your face?

Are you tired of these over-the-counter medications not helping and all, and actually making your skin way worse?

Well the good news is that you found this site. About five years ago I was trying to get rid of acne on myself. I didn’t know what to do.

I started reading everything I could get my hands on about how to get rid of acne and what causes it in the first place.

My dad is a chiropractor and when a friend of my grandmothers, who was also a chiropractor died, my dad inherited his whole book collection because nobody else cared about all the books.

So my basement was full of all of these health books. I desperately started going through all the indexes, and table of contents, reading everything I could on how to get rid of acne.

Now you have to remember that a chiropractor does not prescribe drugs. So all of these books were geared toward natural medicine. These books would suggest taking all kinds of supplements and avoiding big long list of foods.

So I went to the vitamin store and got all kinds of vitamins. I took them but my skin never got better. I tried avoiding this food and avoiding that food. There were so many foods on the list that I couldn’t figure it out.

Also it seemed like the vitamins were making my skin worse.

So then I got on the Internet has started reading everything I could about how to get rid of acne. It seemed like everybody was saying the exact opposite from each other.

All the people selling the acne medications and cleansers were saying that food had nothing to do with it. All of the natural health websites said that it was caused by diet.

Some people were halfway in the middle, prescribing drugs and saying to use common sense on eating a healthy diet. They didn’t go into much detail about what a healthy diet was.

So I started studying what makes a healthy diet. It’s like everybody was saying contradictory opinions. Some people saying the exact same opposite as the other people.

I have never seen a subject that had so many conflicting opinions and advice.

But, my commonsense kept telling me that if we have the technology to go to the moon, land on it without crashing, get out and walk around on it and stick a flag and it, drive a moon buggy on it, look through a telescope back at planet Earth and take pictures of it, and then use a microscope to analyze moon rocks when we get back, and then write a detailed analysis of the chemical structure………….

…that somebody somewhere had to know how to get rid of acne.!!!!!!!!!

Something just didn’t seem right. It almost seemed like a conspiracy or a cover-up. It was almost like these big corporations somehow shaded all their scientific studies and buried their knowledge of what causes this devastating health condition.

It’s like they could care less about the general population.

I started to see patterns. All people selling acne medications and cleansers were the same ones saying that acne was not caused by diet.

My common-sense was telling me that they were (and still are) the ones that were lying about how to get rid of acne. Because there were other web sites saying that acne is just the body eliminating toxins through the skin, and also a weak immune system caused by too many toxins and not enough of the right nutrients to stay healthy.

Then I started studying super foods. And how they have way more nutrients then the foods that are commonly eaten by the General American Public. Then I started to realize that all of the healthy foods were not available at any restaurant anywhere in my hometown.

I started studying natural methods to detoxify the body that are based on the teachings of Jesus. I started applying some of these natural health tactics that Jesus was teaching.

These teachings were not in the bible. These teachings were found in a cave back around 1930 something.

I started cross-referencing and trying some of the techniques. I started eating super foods, I started not eating bad foods that are toxic, I started finding out which foods I had a mild food allergy to, I started drinking more water, I started keeping a food journal and recording what causes me to feel bad and have acne, and which combinations of foods skyrocketed my energy through the roof.

I started to see patterns. Since I was keeping a detailed the journal, if my skin broke out really bad, or if my energy was low, or by just plain didn’t feel good, I would just look back and see what I ate earlier that day, yesterday, and the days before, and try to figure out which foods were the cause.

I continued this trial and error for about six years.

Now I know how to get rid of acne. Now I have finally completed my book on how I fixed my skin so that other people will not have to suffer with acne like I did.

I promise you that you will absolutely love this new way of eating which has so greatly improved my life beyond words.

Get Rid of Acne

Get Rid of Acne

get rid of acne

Get rid of acne – The Secret Diet Book